The festive season is one of the most popular times for a drink and, for many, the temptation to have three or four and then drive home proves to be too great.
Warnings have been issued to help deter people from drink driving with guidance stating that you don’t even need to be driving to be breaking the law.
If you’re over the limit, you shouldn’t go anywhere near your car as you could be charged with drink driving – which could result in up to three months imprisonment, up to £2,500 in fines and a possible driving ban.
If it can be proven that you were intending to drive while over the limit, you will be charged with drink driving. Example indicators for someone who is intending to drive are;
Standing next to your vehicle
Being inside your vehicle but not in the driving seat
Having the keys in the ignition
If you have a reason to drive, such as needing to be at work or an appointment, then you have a clear motivation for wanting to drive too and a conviction becomes all the more likely.
As part of the guidance, wait times for how long you should wait before driving after having one of the more popular drinks have also been released;
A large glass of wine – 5 hours
Sex on the beach cocktail – 4 hours
Double vodka – 4 hours
Pint of cider – 4 hours
Long island iced tea – 3.5 hours
Pint of lager – 3.5 hours
Pina colada – 3 hours
A standard glass of champagne – 2.5 hours
Single gin – 2.5 hours
Drink driving charity, Drinkaware, has said that those who drink the equivalent of three or four pints are 11 times more likely to die in a crash.
Stay safe the Christmas and if you’re drinking, don’t drive.