If your driving licence has been stolen, lost, damaged or destroyed it can be easily replaced online. Access to the required site (link below) comes via your Government Gateway ID which is a user name/password that provides access to a wide range of national and local government services. The cost is £20 which can be paid by either Mastercard, Visa, Electron or Delta Debit. To proceed you must:
- be resident in Great Britain;
- not disqualified from driving for any reason;
- confirm where you lived for the last 3 years;
- provide a driving licence and National Insurance Number (if known),
- have proof of identity such as a UK passport (or similar).
The Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency sources the photograph for your replacement licence from your UK passport. This, however, assumes that the stolen, lost, damaged or destroyed photocard expires within 2 years. Should a suitable electronic image not be available, you have to send a printed copy via the post. If - at a later date – a lost licence is found it should be returned to the DVLA. Contact the police if your original licence has been stolen.
Apply online for a replacement driving licence here