New, ‘71’, registration plates that are rude, controversial, or divisive have been banned from September 2021 in the United Kingdom, the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency revealed. Plates that relate to Covid-19 are particularly frowned upon. Notable examples include ‘CO71 ONA’ and ‘AN71 VAX’.
New, ‘71’, registration plates that refer to violence have been banned too. ‘BR71 GUN’, while there is no appetite for political statements such as ‘EU71 BAD’. This plate, apparently, says ‘European Union bad’.
Registrations banned for being rude include ‘BA71 ARD‘ and ‘AS71 HOL’.
The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency explained its policy. ‘The vast majority of registration numbers are made available but the agency holds back any combinations that may cause offence, embarrassment, or are in poor taste’, the spokesperson emphasised.
Some of the number plates banned by the DVLA are genuinely dark and offensive, so we have chosen not to publish the list here. You can easily find them via a quick Google search if you please...