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EV Survey Results

By Tom Gibson | April 29, 2021


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Last month, we asked for your opinions on all things electric vehicles. Here’s what you told us…

EV Survey Results

The research highlights challenges for both the industry and central Government, which is trying to encourage mass adoption of electric vehicles prior to the ban on the sale of new vehicles which are powered solely by either petrol or diesel from 2030.

A staggering 92% of you don’t believe current EV charging infrastructure is adequate for today’s demand although it’s clear there is an appetite amongst our loyal users to make the switch to EV.  

EV Survey Results Image

In addition to 8 in 10 (79%) cited price as a barrier to sale, while you also felt that concerns around current infrastructure (70%), range (67%) and charge time (61%) were preventing you from adopting an EV today. 

30% of those surveyed said they would never adopt an electric vehicle, whereas 4% were planning to buy one this year, 20% before 2025 and 45% before 2030.

22% felt that the current choice of electric vehicles would prevent them from buying, which is testament to the work manufacturers have done to update their fleets, although 38% said the risk of buying a car whose technology would become obsolete too quickly was a concern.

Chris Green, Regit CCO and founder, said: “Our research shows there is an appetite amongst UK motorists to make the switch, if not before 2025, then at least prior to 2030. It's clear that three major things need to happen in order to speed that transition up. The price of EVs needs to generally reduce to better compete with petrol and diesel alternatives, there are already signs that this is happening although the removal of the EV grant for cars above £35,000 may prove to be harmful.

EV Survey Results Image

"There is no doubt that charging infrastructure needs to be improved and we agree with the vast majority of UK motorists in that the number of available charging points isn't good enough. The Government needs to take responsibility for this to help bring down barriers to sale although it’s worrying, to say the least, that 69% of people don’t think infrastructure will be good enough by 2030.

“And, finally, the technology will need to continually improve so range anxiety disappears and charge times become quicker - I have no doubt that this will happen quickly over the coming years. 

"As a result, we're in a strong position to ensure there is a high adoption of electric vehicles over the coming years and this is largely down to excitement created by the automotive sector with regards to new models and technologies, but we certainly need the Government to play its part in delivering infrastructure and education so the dream of mass adoption of EVs becomes a reality." 

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