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Idiot driver kills gaggle of geese and angry residents launch petition for justice

By Tom Gibson | July 18, 2023


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Incident happened over the weekend in Warrington, Cheshire.

Idiot driver kills gaggle of geese and angry residents launch petition for justice

An angry motorist has horrified Warrington residents by fatally mowing down seven geese and injuring an eighth.

The inpatient and idiotic driver seemingly didn’t want to wait for them to cross the road and instead ploughed into the gaggle at 7.30am in the morning.

A petition has been launched to find the driver and bring him to justice and you can sign that here change.org/p/whittle-hall-pond-wildlife

The driver may also have committed an arrestable offence as the Animal Welfare Act (2006) provides protection to all animals that are vertebrates (S1).

Section 4 of the same Act says:

4 Unnecessary suffering

(1) A person commits an offence if—

(a) an act of his, or a failure of his to act, causes an animal to suffer,

(b) he knew, or ought reasonably to have known, that the act, or failure to act, would have that effect or be likely to do so,

(c) the animal is a protected animal, and

(d) the suffering is unnecessary.”

The incident was been reported to Cheshire Police, Warrington Borough Council and Warrington South MP Andy Carter.

He said: “I have been contacted over the weekend by residents who witnessed the awful incident. Sadly, at least six birds were killed, and I understand a further four were seriously injured.

“I have spoken to senior officer at Cheshire Police, which is pursuing the driver in relation to alleged serious driving offences.

“I have heard from a number of residents who live in this area that they are concerned about the speed at which some cars travel along this piece of road.

“This is particularly because, as anyone who knows this area will tell you, birds regularly gather on the carriageway and side of the road.

“I am also very supportive of the petition set up which calls for action to protect the Whittle Hall pond wildlife.”

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