Farewell parking meters? Goodbye phone apps? Technology that lets you pay for parking via a car’s infotainment system is poised to become increasingly common, parking firm RingGo revealed. In fact, it is already available on a handful of modern vehicles. But why bother? What are the benefits of paying to park via your dashboard?
For starters, there is no need to wander around the car park looking for a pay and display meter that might be some distance from your vehicle. There is also no need to queue behind other motorists for your chance to use it. In addition, you do not have to carry heavy, bulky, and awkward coins to feed the parking meter.
There are further benefits, too. If, for example, you plan to park then wait in the car for a friend there is no need to venture outside for a ticket. This is particularly welcome on a cold, wet night. Paying via the dashboard might also minimise the risk of theft if a suspicious person is waiting close to the parking meter.
How to pay for parking from your car
Let us consider how to use such a system (example). To start, park the car then load the parking app on the dashboard. Note that it knows the car’s make, model, registration, and the colour of its paint. Furthermore, your personal details – including a means of payment such as a credit card – are stored within your parking app.
Next, look for a sign close to the parking space that incorporates a location number. Enter this number in the vehicle’s app. Now confirm how long you want to park. Two hours, for example. Finally, to authorise the payment enter the three digit card verification value from your card. You can find it close to the signature strip.
Guided to empty parking bays by your car
Furthermore, expect vehicles to increasingly know where you can find an empty parking space and guide you towards it, RingGo revealed. This might make life far easier. The likely benefits are:
- save time, effort, and minimise frustration e.g. no need to randomly cruise the streets looking for an empty parking space
- save money, e.g. no need to waste fuel looking for a space.
Also expect cars to increasingly manoeuvre into parking spaces on your behalf. Many already can. As of now, some can therefore steer into a space – either parallel or perpendicular – as you operate the throttle, brake pedal, and gearbox. The world is changing fast!