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Tone-deaf Government battered for spending £250m of funds for Northern Powerhouse on London’s roads

By Tom Gibson | December 21, 2023


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In a now-deleted tweet, DfT said HS2 funding had been redirected back to London

Tone-deaf Government battered for spending £250m of funds for Northern Powerhouse on London’s roads

Regular readers of Regit will know we’re a page that ardently sticks up for the motorist.

We don’t take political sides, we urge those in charge to use just a little common sense and call nonsense, nonsense.

But despite us seemingly always battling for fairer fuel prices, fairer taxation and better road conditions, the latest scheme by the current government to improve some of London’s roads is quite simply laughable, and one that even we can’t support.

In a now deleted tweet, the DfT said that £235m was being spent to improve roads in London – and this spending was only possible because HS2 funding had been rerouted.

Now HS2 was going to cost a huge amount of money and we’re not offering judgement on whether cancelling the project or building it in its entirety was the right thing to do. 

But what has, quite rightly in our opinion, baffled some and infuriated others is that spending what was initially put to one side to supposedly support the ‘northern powerhouse’, has quickly made its way back to London to repair roads that complement an already well-functioning public transport system.

When reading the initial post we actually thought it was published by a parody account as there is even a 'Network North Project' logo in the bottom left of the design. Or maybe that’s just what political leadership in this country has become.

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