Ever wondered if your job title is making your insurance premium more expensive? Take a look at who gets away with the cheapest premiums here…
A headteacher is the job title that typically leads to the cheapest car insurance premium, it’s been revealed.
Meteorologists and police superintendents also made the list that was dominated by job occupations that typically carry a high level of responsibility.
More niche jobs, such as scale model makers, also made the list as their occupation is typically based from a single location, meaning there are less travel opportunities and less chances of claiming on car insurance.
Rank Job Title
1 Headmaster
2 Meteorologist
3 Bursars at state schools
4 Police Superintendents
5 Registrars of births and deaths
6 Navigators
7 Chiropodists
8 Scale Model Makers
9 Press Officers
10 Retired