My Garage

Keep on top of your vehicles and their requirements

Helping you keep track on key dates such as: Breakdown cover, MOT, Tax, Insurance, Service, or Warranty. We've put a set of helpful tools together in your Digital Garage for your convenience.

  • Monitor key dates and get reminders when it's time to take action
  • Set custom tasks related to each of your vehicles
  • Manage up to 10 vehicles in your Digital Garage
  • Your garage tracks your searches and favourite cars for you
Regit Garage

Helping you and your family with your after-care needs

Access the products and services you need in order to protect your vehicle, right from your digital garage. Get discounts on recommended products and take peace of mind knowing that your vehicle is protected.

Learn about Regit's recommended products
Access discounted protection products for your vehicle
Benefit from free 'Regit Assist' - your 24/7 accident helpline
Manage up to 10 vehicles in your Digital Garage
Regit Garage